Getting out of a Bunker

Bunkers are annoying obstacles on a golf course. Many golfers hate them simply because they spend a fair amount of time in them trying to get the ball out. Here are a few tips that can help you combat this difficult hazard.

The first and overall thing to keep in mind is – Do not panic. A sand trap is part of the game and it is not the end of the world.

The basic bunker shot – Position yourself with an open stance and keep your legs apart. Keep your clubface open and the ball more or less in line with the heel of the front foot. Swing as if you are standing inside a tube that does not allow you any more movement than that of swiveling. The club should hit the sand a little way behind the ball by as much as four or five inches. Ideally the back of the club should bounce off the sand and not dig into it. Ensure that the club follows through and does not stay chopped down in the sand. The general look of things should be the ball flying through the air accompanied by a fair amount of sand. This way some backspin will be imparted on the ball, ensuring that it does not roll of after it lands.

Wet or Shallow sand – If you play this the same way you play you general bunker shot, your ball will balloon over the green and get you into more trouble. In this case swing normally while entering the sand a couple of inches behind the ball.