What you should carry in a golf bag

Many think that carrying just the basic club set is enough for a game of golf. You need other things to play a good round of golf. We like to take a different approach to your game bag and suggest the following:

  • Golf towel: Tough enough to clean a club and super absorbent are qualities in buying a towel. When using, keep one half of the towel dry and use the other half to clean clubs.
  • Tees: Some prefer to use wood tees due to environmental concerns. But if you like plastic tees, make sure they are biodegradable.
  • Sunscreen: This is a must because you will be spending few hours in the sun.
  • A marker: Such as a Sharpie to mark your ball. Be creative and have fun doing it.
  • Bugs spray: It is another important addition to your golf bag to wade off mosquitos and other bugs. Use it before you step outside to play.
  • First aid kit: If you play like me, this helps to cover a cut with a band aids and others.
  • Extra gloves: Throw few of these in your bag. They may last the whole season.
  • Snack and water: Your favorite snack to curb your hunger during a long game and water to hydrate.