Golf is an industry full of innovation and continuing improvement, why let your greens keeping fall behind and suffer. Reduce your overall greens keeping overhead by switching to newer, more advanced greens keeping methods and equipment and reduce the amount of course downtime for more games and greater revenue.
One aspect of greens keeping that can make or break a course is the level of quality of the trimming and mowing process. Overly lush fairways and undercut greens can cause havoc amongst golfers and their golf games. This problem is further complicated by the vast area of land that needs to be maintained day in and day out to ensure that the quality of grass is kept to the highest standards to please the most discerning of customers and players. Sadly, many courses still use manual mowing devices to trim and polish their fairways and greens, leading to uneven cuts, and worse, delays in play. These closed holes can cause unwanted losses and reduced revenue, a very unwanted part of the greens keeping game. Reduce downtimes by upgrading to the latest in rough mower technology and watch your players cheer in delight – you also stand to make increased profit as well. Complement these with the latest Jacobsen mower and further increase greens keeping efficiency.
Step up to the tee box knowing you and your team of expert greens keepers are in the best hands and provide nothing but the best greens and fairways for your distinguished clientele and watch your revenues increase as your clients play more and better golf.
Article submitted by Global Turf Equipment. We are a leading provider in value-for-money greens keeping equipment from utility vehicles to turf sprayers and reel master mowers.